Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lab cycle Bsc II Year

lab cycle bsc ii year
B.Sc. II Year (Practical) Examination
Subject : Computer Science
Paper : II Object Oriented Programming with Java and Data Structures
W.E.F. Annual 2010
Time : 3 hours                                                                                                                                          Marks : 50
Note : Two programs are to asked in the Examination one in PartA and the other in PartB.
( JAVA )
1. Write a java program to determine the sum of the following harmonic series for a given value
of 'n'. 1+ ½ + ⅓ + %%%%..+ 1/n.
2. Write a program to perform the following operations on string through interactive input. (a) Sort
given Strings in alphabetical order. (b) Check whether one String is Sub String of another String
or not. (c) Convert the Strings to uppercase.
3. Write a program to simulate online
4. Write a program to identify a duplicate value in vector.
5. Create two threads such that one of the thread print even no's and other prints odd no's up to
a given range.
6. Define an exception called "Marks Out of Bound" Exception, that is thrown if the entered
marks are greater than 100.
7. Write a Java program to shuffle the list elements using all the possible permutations.
8. Create a package called "Arithmetic" that contains methods to deal all arithmetic operations.
Also, write a program to use the package.
9. Write an Applet program to design a simple calculator.
10. Write a program to read a text and count all the occurrences of a given word. Also, display
their positions.
11. Write an applet illustrating sequence of events in an applet.
12. Illustrate the method of overriding in Java.
13. Write a program to fill elements into a list. Also, copy them in reverse order into other list.
14. Write an interactive program to accept name of person and validate it. If the name contains
any numeric value throw an exception "Invalid Name".
15. Write an applet program to insert the text at the specified position
16. Prompt for the cost price and selling price of an article and display the profit (or) loss
17. Create an anonymous array in Java.
18. Create a font animation application that change the colors of text as and when prompted.
19. Write an interactive program to wish the user at different hours of the day.
20. Simulate the library information system i.e. maintain the list of books and borrower's details.
21. Program to create, insert, delete and display operations on single linked list.
22. Program to create, insert, delete and display operations on double linked list.
23. Program to create, insert, delete and display operations on circular single linked list.
24. Program to split a single link list.
25. Program to reverse a single linked list.
26. Program to implement insertion sort.
27. Program to implement PUSH and POP operations on Stack using array method.
28. Program to implement PUSH and POP operations on Stack using Linked List method.
29. Program to implement insert and delete operations on Queue using array method.
30. Program to implement insert and delete operations on Queue using Linked List method.
31. Program to implement insert and delete operations on Priority Queue .
32. Program to implement insert and delete operations on Double Ended Queue.
33. Program to evaluate postfix expression by using Stack.
34. Program to construct Binary Search Tree and implement tree traversing techniques.
35. Program to delete a leaf node from binary search tree.
36. Program to implement Selection Sort.
37. Program to implement Bubble Sort.
38. Program to implement Operations on Circular Queue.
39. Program to implement Quick Sort.
40. Program to Find number of Leaf nodes and NonLeaf
nodes in Binary Search Tree.


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